Hi folks,
I have neglected my blog of late. And so I decided to try something new: a podcast. Please visit me here. They launch biweekly. I was motivated by a couple of Saint Michael's College students who host the very successful STEM at SMC podcast.
And if you are interested in starting a podcast, it is actually a fairly simple process. Here are the steps I followed:
Equipment: I purchased a microphone on a stand with a pop filter to minimize "plosives", or the percussive sounds generated on recordings when pronouncing "P" for example. I also got a good pair of headphones to help with both recording and editing. I have learned that by having the mic off to one side and essentially pointing at my ear, I can minimize the hisses that come when pronouncing "S" sounds.
Software: I downloaded and installed Audacity, free recording and editing software.
Hosting platform: I have used Anchor thus far and have not evaluated any other platforms. It offers several advantages:
- I record and post once, the Anchor platform pushes the episodes out on the biweekly schedule I established to several linked podcast sharing sites including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.
- RSS links are provided to put the podcast on places like IHeartRadio and Stitcher.
- I can upload reusable components (opening, closing) and splice them onto my episodes in the platform.
- Anchor links directly to Wordpress and with a simple click and save I can put my new episodes onto the Wordpress site.
- It is free to use and to link with the various popular podcast hosting sites!
I had five followers on my much-neglected blog; thank you all! The podcast launched this month and the most recent episode reached more than 70 people. I'm calling that a success! When else do I reach 70 people? .....almost never. I have enough recorded to go until mid March and will record a few more during Spring Break.
So, if you'd like to hear some natural history in your car as you pop around from the hardware to the grocer, or as you fold the laundry, by all means give Nature Snippets a listen.